The MEWB Teaching Media online course is online now!
If you are a professional or teacher and you need some additional ideas for better media education in young people's lives today, this training is for you.
Our MEWB online course gives you an overview of today’s relevant key topics and trends for teaching media to young people, and practical activities and tools.
You will find 6 units which you can follow as a full course or you can take each unit according to your interest and upskilling needs. This may also depend on the needs of the group of young people you teach.
Each unit starts with an overview of the topic, provides you with further reading suggestions and gives you hands-on-suggestions for classroom activities that can be downloaded within the course.
The classroom activities can be found right after each subunit on a separate page called “activities”, or you can also download here.
Test the MEWB Teaching Media online course for free
The English version of the online course is available here.
The German version of the online course is available here.
The Spanish version of the online course is available here.
The Hungarian version of the online course is available here.
Medien unterrichten - Skills für LehrerInnen und JugendarbeiterInnen Auswertung des E-Learning Kurses
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